Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Alcohol And The Church :: essays research papers

Alcohol And The ChurchIt seems to be that our main questions are, Should we use alcohol and what aboutthose that abuse it? How should the Church deal with those that do drink orshould we as a society deal with it? While there is nonhing in the Bible thatsays drinking is a sin, but drunkeness is. I believe as a society we do have aproblem with alcohol abuse. But in the same respect I do not heart that thechurch should judge those who do drink socially, regularly, or abusively. Whenthe time comes everyone will be judged individually by God alone. I feel it ishis decision wholly to do what is best for all. The church may teach not to usealcohol, but to discriminate against those in the congregation (or even thosethat are not) that do is not a solution to the problem. I feel in order to getalcohol abuse under control we as a society guide to teach our children the risksof using alcohol, not only in the home but in the schools as well. To reach theheart of the problem is to face the problem read/write head on. As a social drinkermyself (I put my self in this classification) I dont feel I have an alcoholproblem just because I enjoy a drink now and then. I do not abuse it and wouldnever put myself behind the wheel of a car to force the risk of taking someoneelses life. You dont need to be drunk to cause an accident, its been provenin many cases only a few drinks can mar someones stability. If more thoughtof this there would be less tragedies on our highways. When it comes to food andthere are people starving in the world, when we could help by not convertingfood grains into alcohol, this should be made more aware to our society. Imnot sure most people are aware of this. It is supposedly our main concern to chip in the hungry and shelter the poor. If giving up something that onlycontributes to loneliness and destruction than ever, because there are more thatabuse than those who dont, it seems to me to be a logical solution. I think thebest we can hope for in our future and our childrens is that we have to

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